Saturday 14 May 2011

What's in a name?

I guess the most important thing in business is corporate image, your name, logo or catch phrase. Look at the many hundreds, if not thousands, of businesses that set up everyday hoping to become the biggest and best at what they do. Expectations and ambition are good, so long as kept within manageable targets. Take our name for example, liquidmocean.

I get people spelling it wrong as can be expected, some even believe that I'm the one making the grammatical error, and I've been drawn on that a few times! I seem to have a flair for coming up with titles and catch lines for brands and items so after a while I came to conclusion that this spelling would best suit our whole idea.

The 'liquid' element coming obviously from the Ocean, the one thing that unites everyone, both here and those who follow our facebook Page, 12,600 and counting. Then there is the 'mocean' deal clincher. This is an intentional typo that plays on the word 'motion'. Put together liquidmocean, intentionally all lower case, therefor represents a brand that celebrates the Ocean and the effects of the many sports that people enjoy, in, on and around it's watery embrace. I still get, and am sure that will never change, people taking a bit of time to get around the concept of the spelling but once the penny drops, and it does in most cases, the reaction is always positive.

I'm hoping that reaction will also carry over for our intended products. "What's in a Name" is also the title given to this our latest Tee Shirt design. As we're based on the island of Bali I thought it only best to create a Tee that heralds this unique surf destination. Emblazoned across the chest are 50 of the more prominent surf breaks of the island. On this the Black T-Shirt option the writings are in White and Red. The red elements being the form interrogative for the design and then two words, Bali and liquidmocean, marrying up once again the island the company as we wish to become synonymous with the island before we start looking to market further afield. 

Cheers all, more Ocean related accounts tomorrow,

P.S This shirt is selling like hotcakes at the moment so we know it's popular. We're giving one of these away with every order over $45 for the next month so check out the Dudes and Chix pages here to find other cool items too!

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This is a posting from the ramblings of a waterlogged mind that is the liquidmocean Blog. Reflections from setting up and running a small brand business, dealing with professional and personal life in Indonesia mixed with the added adrenalin of surf photography. Feel free to leave comments, much appreciate the feedback. Cheers, Mark.